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New York


Justin's Nut Butter Packets. These convenient nut butter packets are packed with nourishing healthy fats and vitamin E, available in a variety of tasty flavors. They pair perfectly with pretzels, can be added to...
With a base of creamy Greek yogurt, this bowl is a treasure trove of micronutrients that your body will love. Greek yogurt is not only a fantastic source of protein but also provides a generous dose...

Obesity and a Toxic Food Environment 

Implausible explanations for the obesity epidemic serve the needs of food manufacturers and marketers more than public health and an...

Eat Quinoa and Lower Triglycerides?

How do the nutrition and health effects of quinoa compare to other whole grains? “Approximately 90% of the world’s calories are...

6 Healthy Habits For Fall • Kath Eats

Embrace the season with these 6 healthy habits for fall! From nutritious recipes to outdoor activities, these ideas will help you stay well during...

Eating to Lower Lp(a) 

What should we eat—and not eat—to lower the cardiovascular disease risk factor lipoprotein(a)? Lipoprotein A, also known as Lp(a), is an...

The Stroke Risk of Vegetarians 

The first study in history on the incidence of stroke in vegetarians and vegans suggests they may be at higher...

The 411 on Statins

The cholesterol-lowering statin drug Lipitor has become the best-selling drug of all time, generating more than $140 billion in global...

What About Vitamin D and Vegetarians’ Stroke Risk? 

Could the apparent increased stroke risk in vegetarians be reverse causation? And what about vegetarians versus vegans?  In the “Risks of...

What About Omega-3s and Vegetarians’ Stroke Risk? 

Does eating fish or taking fish oil supplements reduce stroke risk?  In my last video, we started to explore what might...

What About Vegan Junk Food and Vegetarians’ Stroke Risk? 

Just because you’re eating a vegetarian or vegan diet doesn’t mean you’re eating healthfully. “Plant-Based Diets Are Associated with a Lower...

Yes, You CAN Make Homemade Bagels: Easy Recipe!

Inside: It’s easier than you think to make your own soft, chewy bagels with just four simple ingredients. Here’s a step-by-step easy bagel recipe...

What About Saturated Fat and Vegetarians’ Stroke Risk? 

How can we explain the drop in stroke risk as the Japanese diet became westernized with more meat and dairy? As...

The Importance of Personalizing Your Fitness & Nutrition Program

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD A personalized fitness and nutrition program is the antidote to one-size-fits-all, generic advice. If you’re tired of trying programs...

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